Industrial Factory Hub Co.,Ltd.

Industrial Factory Hub Co.,Ltd. is established to distribute high quality and wide range of industrial products: mechanical, electrical, chemical, automation, instrumental and analytical spare parts including machine tools, hand tools, plastics & rubber engineering, and safety products.

We understand that customers' expressed goal as seeking an outsourcing service company where can be your one-stop supplier supply a whole list of items, help to save you time, work and also manage for cost effectiveness. In case you have urgent requirement, we can check with stockist (even with those from overseas) and also check for hard-to-find / out-of-production items.

We understand that customers' objective of outsourcing service as following :

Core business :

Supply all equipments, spare parts and hand-tools for industrial factory.

Line of activities :

Petrochemical Plant, Oil refinery and Gas plant, Power plant, Chemical plant, Paper factory, Cement factory, Automobile factory.

Vision :

Be your one-stop supplier for a whole list of items, to save you time, work and money.

Mission :